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People to Meet.

Orwil Street Community House, as well as offering a wide range of low cost activities, provides a venue for people with similar interests to meet. The following groups meeting at the House warmly welcome new members and new ideas.

Frankston Family  Carer Support Group

This group is for any family member providing unpaid care to a family member with an aged related illness or someone with a disability.

Gain support, friendship and information.

10.00am - 12.00pm.

This group will meet on the first Wednesday of the month.

For further enquiries contact  Lani Peach 5970 2000





A self-help fellowship that offers a program of recovery to the relatives and friends of problem drinkers. This group meets weekly at the house on a Tuesday afternoon 1pm - 3pm.  Everyone Welcome!

For Those Who Lost a Loved One To Suicide

This is a support group providing a space to connect with others bereaved by suicide who understand and care. Meets first Thursday of each month online.
7.00 pm-9.00pm. Cost: Gold coin donation. Support after Suicide on 9421 7640 

Supported by Jesuit Social Services

This group is in memory of Peter        Chaucer and Steven Madden 
Brain Injury Friends Group

Brain Injury Friends (BIF) is a peer support group for adults with brain injuries. We meet on alternate Tuesdays at Orwil Street Community House and in the community on the other Tuesdays. For more information, contact: or 03 9639 7222.


Ti-Tree Rental Housing               CERC


The Common Equity Rental Housing Co-operative (CERC) Program provides for the establishment of viable, long term, non profit, consumer-controlled rental housing co-operatives. The Program uses government and loan funds to acquire properties which are then leased to approved co-operatives. Ti-Tree CERC is one such approved co-operative. There are other local CERCs in the Frankston area.

Ti-Tree CERC is a voluntary non-profit organisation that provides a supportive environment for members. These members take responsibility for all tasks associated with running a housing co-operative, including the management of houses rented to its members. The group meets monthly and can be contacted via

Post Box No. 632, Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia.

Further enquiries - call 9208 0800 or Free call 1800 353 669





Special Olympics
Fund raising to support athletes with a disability is the well known focus of this established and hard working group. Join them on the Third Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.
For enquiries phone Joy on
9789 6748.

Frankston Bipolar 

Support Group


The support group provides an opportunity for people living with       bipolar to connect with others to share experiences, information and ideas. Group members gain strength and support from each other and learn new ways of coping through shared experiences in a safe and confidential setting.

Meets 4th Monday evening of the month from 7.00pm to 8.30pm.

There is no requirement to register, just come along to any meeting.

No Cost

Contact the President of Bipolar Life Victoria, Amanda Cops.

Email:, or Ph: 0403 535 332.

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